2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Genaro Resendiz's blog ::Josh Freeman Saga Hits New Low Through Absolutely No Fault of His Own

Genaro Resendiz's blog ::Josh Freeman Saga Hits New Low Through Absolutely No Fault of His Own

               COMMENTARY               |               The               NFL               has               many               engaging               stories               and               many               equally               engaging               players.

However,               the               challenge               is               keeping               up               with               all               the               players.

So,               part               of               the               fun               is               that               every               year,               there               are               new               stories               with               players               in               changing               situations               that               are               always               emerging.

A               case               in               point               is               the               Tampa               Bay               Buccaneers.

Tampa               Bay               is               known               for               drafting               players               high               and               signing               them               to               long               and               expensive               contracts               that               often               fails               to               pan               out.

This               year,               the               Buccaneers               will               see               if               their               high               draft               selection,               Josh               Freeman,               will               be               more               of               the               same               or               will               instead               turn               heads.

In               short,               it's               a               make               or               break               year               for               Josh.
               The               urgency               for               Freeman               is               that               he               is               in               the               last               year               of               his               contract               with               the               team.

When               the               Buccaneers               drafted               Freeman,               they               had               lofty               goals               and               high               expectations               for               him.

Unfortunately,               he               has               yet               to               perform               up               to               expectations.

If               he               wants               to               stay               an               NFL               quarterback,               he               must               start               playing               at               a               much               higher               level.

Although               Freeman               has               shown               some               glimpses               of               greatness,               he               has               been               inconsistent.

At               the               outset               of               his               NFL               career,               many               of               his               shortcomings               were               attributed               to               being               young               and               the               typical               professional               learning               curve.

Yet,               as               the               many               seasons               pass,               he               should               be               producing               TDs               and               wins.
               Throughout               his               NFL               career,               Freeman               has               thrown               too               many               interceptions.

During               the               past               four               as               the               Buccaneers'               starting               quarterback               where               he               has               played               in               fifty-seven               games,               he               has               thrown               sixty-three               interceptions.

There               is               no               way               around               it;               that's               not               going               to               win               games.

The               best               stats               for               Freeman               came               during               his               second               season               where               he               threw               twenty-five               touchdowns               and               only               six               interceptions.

Clearly,               he               has               the               potential               for               greatness.

But,               he               has               been               able               to               keep               that               up               throughout               the               season               and               into               the               next               season.
               Predictably,               when               Freeman               doesn't               throw               interceptions,               the               team               does               well.

When               he               does,               they               lose.

So,               there               seems               to               be               big               question               mark.

What               should               Tampa               Bay               do               to               assist               Freeman               to               overcome               his               interception               problems?

First               of               all,               they               should               investigate               if               there               is               a               mental               barrier               or               something               else.

If               a               quarterback               doesn't               feel               like               he               has               good               protection               around               him               and               good               targets,               it               could               affect               his               game.

Perhaps,               Freeman               is               having               a               hard               time               developing               a               good               connection               with               his               receivers               or               offensive               line.

However,               if               that               is               the               case,               this               year,               Freeman               has               no               excuse               in               not               playing               well.
               So,               to               sum               things               up,               this               upcoming               year               will               be               a               closely               watched               one               for               Buccaneer               fans.

If               Freeman               can               step               up               this               year,               great               things               will               be               on               the               horizon               for               this               year               and               next               year.

Tampa               Bay               wishes               him               the               best!

If               not,               NFL               football               fans               in               Tampa               Bay               might               find               themselves               in               the               all               too               familiar               situation               of               looking               for               another               quarterback               to               bring               excitement               to               Sunday               afternoons               in               the               Raymond               James               Stadium.

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josh freeman quarterback

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josh freeman quarterback

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josh freeman quarterback

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