2013년 10월 23일 수요일

Genaro Resendiz's blog ::The Hail Mary - Week 2

Genaro Resendiz's blog ::The Hail Mary - Week 2

The               game               between               the               Tampa               Bay               Buccaneers               and               Philadelphia               Eagles               on               Sunday,               December               9,               will               not               mirror               the               intensity               of               an               NFC               Championship               match-up               between               these               rivals               nearly               10               years               ago.

Yet,               the               contest               still               provides               Tampa               Bay               fans               with               many               reasons               to               celebrate               both               the               achievement               of               past               glory               and               building               towards               future               success.

Here's               a               preview               of               notable               things               to               watch               during               the               Week               14               meeting               between               the               Bucs               and               Eagles.

--               Each               team               is               hoping               to               end               a               painful               losing               skid.

Following               a               4               game               winning               streak               that               built               playoff               hopes               in               fans,               the               Bucs               recently               dropped               consecutive               contests               to               the               Atlanta               Falcons               and               Denver               Broncos.

With               a               6-6               record,               Tampa               Bay               currently               sits               outside               the               post-season               picture               and               cannot               likely               afford               another               loss               if               able               to               realize               such               lofty               ambitions               in               Coach               Greg               Schiano's               first               year.

Meanwhile,               the               Eagles               are               potentially               witnessing               the               end               of               an               era               under               longtime               leader               Andy               Reid.

The               NFL's               longest               serving               coach               has               been               with               Philadelphia               since               1999,               but               is               now               suffering               through               a               miserable               campaign.

Losers               of               8               straight               games,               the               Eagles               are               playing               without               injured               QB               Michael               Vick               and               RB               LeSean               McCoy.

However,               the               real               woes               for               this               disappointing               squad               occur               on               defense,               where               Philadelphia               has               yielded               28               or               more               points               during               each               of               its               past               6               defeats.

--               For               only               the               second               time               in               7               home               games               in               2012,               the               meeting               at               Raymond               James               Stadium               will               be               aired               on               local               television               throughout               the               Tampa               Bay               region.

Due               to               the               NFL's               policy               of               restricting               the               broadcast               of               non-sellout               games,               the               majority               of               Bucs'               home               contests               have               been               blacked               out               in               the               past               3               seasons.

Helped               by               a               much-anticipated               10th               anniversary               celebration               of               the               team's               2002               Super               Bowl               Champions,               Sunday's               game               is               close               to               a               rare               sell-out               and               the               Bucs               hope               to               benefit               from               a               rowdy               house.

Fans               watching               at               home               should               further               appreciate               that               Tampa               Bay's               ownership               elected               to               take               advantage               of               a               new               NFL               policy               that               lowered               the               standard               for               a               sell-out               to               consist               of               a               minimum               of               85%               of               non-premium               seats.

--               Though               RB               Doug               Martin               has               enjoyed               a               stellar               season               for               a               Bucs'               franchise               that               drafted               him               in               the               1st               round,               the               rookie               has               stumbled               during               the               past               two               games.

With               107               combined               yards               in               those               two               defeats,               Martin               is               averaging               only               2.3               yards               per               carry,               which               is               a               far               cry               from               the               1,000               yards               posted               during               the               first               10               games.

On               the               other               hand,               one               of               the               few               elements               in               which               the               Eagles               are               succeeding               is               the               running               game.

With               the               absence               of               LeSean               McCoy,               7th               round               pick               Bryce               Brown               has               excelled               during               his               initial               experience               as               a               starting               running               back.

The               rookie               has               racked               up               performances               of               178               and               169               yards               in               the               past               two               games               and               scored               a               combined               4               touchdowns.

Despite               an               ability               to               move               the               ball               effectively,               Brown               has               lost               3               fumbles,               so               the               Bucs'               defense               must               remain               ball-hungry.

--               50               players               and               coaches               from               Tampa               Bay's               Super               Bowl               XXXVII               Championship               squad               are               expected               to               be               on               hand               for               the               game's               10th               anniversary               celebration               of               glory,               including               Warren               Sapp,               Keyshawn               Johnson,               Derrick               Brooks,               John               Lynch,               and               Brad               Johnson.

The               gathering               also               features               former               coach               Jon               Gruden,               who               was               fired               by               ownership               following               the               2008               campaign,               and               enjoyed               mixed               success               at               One               Buc               Place               in               7               seasons.

Naturally,               veteran               defensive               back               Ronde               Barber               will               also               be               on               hand,               as               he               is               the               team's               sole               remaining               player               from               the               Super               Bowl               team.

Barber               continues               to               play               at               a               high               level               and               has               already               grabbed               4               interceptions               in               2012.

In               fact,               that               the               Bucs               commemorate               the               Super               Bowl               success               against               the               Philadelphia               Eagles               is               only               fitting,               since               Tampa               Bay               defeated               Philadelphia               in               that               year's               NFC               Championship               game.

The               contest               remains               bitter               for               the               Eagles,               who               lost               at               home               in               the               final               game               played               at               Veterans               Stadium.

Appropriately,               the               win               was               sealed               for               Tampa               Bay               with               a               4th               quarter               interception               that               was               returned               for               a               touchdown               by               Ronde               Barber.

--               Philadelphia               leads               the               overall               series               between               these               clubs               6-5               and               captured               the               last               meeting               through               a               33-14               victory               on               October               11,               2009.

That               game               featured               former               Eagles'               QB               Donovan               McNabb               throwing               a               pair               of               touchdowns               to               then               rookie               wideout               Jeremy               Maclin               and               the               Bucs               unable               to               mount               any               sustained               defensive               pressure.

With               an               inexperienced               QB               Nick               Foles               now               leading               the               Eagles'               offense,               the               Bucs               hope               to               present               a               better               showing               on               defense               this               time.

Current               Bucs'               quarterback               Josh               Freeman               had               not               yet               earned               his               first               start               during               that               Week               5               loss               in               2009,               but               the               4th               year               player               is               competing               like               an               All-Pro               with               3,003               passing               yards               and               23               touchdowns               in               2012.


Sports,               TBO.com.

More               by               Jeff               Briscoe               from               Yahoo!

Contributor               Network:
Bucs               Meeting               with               Peyton               Manning               Recalls               Bitter               Memories

Jeff               Briscoe               is               a               writer               who               covers               sports               for               the               Yahoo!

Contributor               Network.

A               loyal               Tampa               Bay               Bucs               fan,               he               co-hosts               the               Florida-based               radio               show,               The               Sports               Train.

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